Use your body language to boost your confidence

Harvard scientist Amy Cuddy explains how body language can be used to help us change our own emotional state.

Amy Cuddy TED Talk

In this film, Harvard social psychologist Amy Cuddy, shows how Power Posing – standing in a confident posture – can raise your confidence and lower your stress, allowing you to more perform more effectively in front of an audience.

Power dynamics
  • nonverbal expressions of power and dominance 3:55
  • expanding 4:04
  • pride 4:37
  • powerless 4:59
  • high and low power 5:13
Can you fake it till you make it? 7:08
  • do our non-verbals affect ourselvs? 7:25
  • Do our bodies change our minds? 8:11
The Experiment – the power pose 10:26
  • The experiment 10:10
  • Results 11:33
Can power posing for a few minutes change your life? What’s driving it? 12:44
  • Presence 15:08
  • “It feels fake” So? …a personal story from Amy 15:50
  • Fake it ’til you become it 19:37

Note on the scientific controversy behind Power Posing:

When Amy Cuddy first released her results in 2018 and gave this TED Talk, Power Posing instantly attracted attention worldwide. However, a subsequent study disputed her group’s work, claiming that the results were not statistically relevant. In 2017, Professor Cuddy published a new paper rebuffing this study. However, the scientific dispute is still ongoing and the story of Power Posing is often cited as an example of the failure of replication in scientific publications.

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